The Foundations of My Career: My Architectural Internship

Throughout my academic journey at Ball State University, one of the most profound realizations I’ve had is the significance of participating in an internship.


When I embarked on my internship with MD Architects, I was filled with anticipation to expand my architecture skills and acquire professional hands-on experience. My primary objective was to soak up as much wisdom as I could from the firm’s designers and make meaningful contributions of my own. This blog will look back on what I learned during my internship – from the real-world applications to challenges and takeaways.

Expanding My Skillset

Walking into the studio on my first day, the team warmly embraced me, and I felt a sense of belonging within this new chapter. I was immediately immersed in the work. Joining a team that was in the middle of commencing a new project was a fortunate opportunity. It allowed me full involvement throughout the entire design process. Under the guidance of my team, I promptly began working on drawings, familiarizing myself with the firm’s unique procedures and building techniques, and learning how to accommodate client preferences. These responsibilities, combined with my school-taught skillset, proved crucial in the field of architecture.

My Ball State University coursework provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge and soft skills, like effective communication and time management, that were easily transferred and reinforced. I’d advise anyone seeking or preparing for an internship to diligently refine and cultivate these skills to be well-prepared.

Additionally, I’ve developed various technical skills, specifically in using software for creating drawings and renderings. An example of this was creating and reading details that may be needed for a drawing set. Learning Revit has been instrumental in my professional growth, empowering me to readily contribute to projects. The familiarity I now have with different rendering software has expanded my capabilities and enabled me to assist more at the firm. From my experience, a helpful tip for any incoming intern is to familiarize themselves with the relevant software in advance, as it facilitates a seamless transition into the role and enhances collaboration within the team.

Challenges & Lessons

Throughout my internship, I encountered challenges that demanded unique solutions. I had to familiarize myself with new ideas and processes that I hadn’t come across in school. I couldn’t be afraid to ask questions and use multiple resources to gather the necessary information. One particular challenge was grasping the MDA’s drawing standards, which differed from what I had been taught at Ball State. Adapting to these standards required help from my team and learning on the go. This dually strengthened my problem-solving skills for my return to school and future career. I learned other important lessons too, like communicating with clients/reps, understanding the ins and outs of an entire project, and refining project-based time management skills. This internship has ultimately increased my confidence in my ability to contribute effectively within a firm.


I chose the career path of architecture to help people and make a difference in the world, and the tasks I’ve performed here have reinforced my passion for healthcare design, whether it be for humans or animals. I’ve gained extensive knowledge about the healthcare industry and enjoyed learning about the specialized field of veterinary design and all the aspects that come with designing an animal hospital.

I leave this internship with new insight into what it’s like to work at a professional design firm.  Working with clients, collaborating with a design team, and creating drawings to meet new standards are all knowledge I will take into my last year of college and will use on future projects. I’ve had an incredible learning experience. MDA has served as a crucial stepping stone in my career. My time here has significantly contributed to both my personal and professional growth as an architect and I feel prepared for the realities of post-graduate life. The support, growth, and learning from everyone involved have been instrumental in my development as a designer. As a young architect, I’ve come to understand that experience is the most important asset, which is why I consider my internship to be the most impactful preparation for my entry into the professional world.

Written By Justin Heiser

Justin Heiser, Intern, is heading into his final year at Ball State University studying Architecture. During his internship, he assisted one of our Indianapolis studio teams with drawings and various project tasks while gaining exposure to all facets of the design process.

August 7, 2024

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